
Run velocity-based rules in real-time

Castle's rules engine lets you create advanced velocity queries and to block requests in real-time, trigger workflows, and send alerts.

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Real-time blocking

Rules execute in milliseconds to block inline without noticeable delay.

Zero-lag velocities

Advanced aggregations over any field and time range at blazing speed.

Alerts & automation

Trigger webhooks, Slack notifications, or put entities into custom lists

Instant simulation

Quickly backtest and tweak policies to deploy with confidence

Run flexible velocity rules in real-time

Castle's no-code rules engine empowers you to proactively prevent abuse by taking real-time action. Even as trigger conditions become more complex, it returns responses in milliseconds, ensuring seamless performance.

  • Inline API response in under 150 ms
  • Aggregate velocity metrics with zero latency
  • Advanced querying logic on any custom data
  • Trigger based on block and trust lists

Alert and automate at scale

Implement webhooks, Slack alerts, or leverage the versatile Lists feature to automate abuse prevention in your application, regardless of its size. Keep your team notified about spikes in attacks, alert end-users of suspicious login attempts, and streamline user reviews.

  • Alert your team on Slack when rules trigger
  • Use webhooks to kick off workflows in your app
  • Add users, transactions, IPs, etc, to lists

Simulate complex logic instantly

Experience the power of rule logic tweaking: see immediate impact, speed up iteration and experimentation, and gain the confidence to deploy rules seamlessly without unintentionally blocking legitimate users.

  • Create rules with just one click from any query
  • Overview of how all your rules trigger together
  • Lightning-fast backtesting of velocity queries
  • Use heat maps to effortlessly set thresholds